
Archive for the ‘Programming’ Category

Turbo Pascal Compiler Secrets

April 24, 2011 Leave a comment
My first programming language was Basic which was soon replaced with Pascal. I started programming in Pascal in high school in early 1980s. At that time I was working on a CP/M computer which had Turbo Pascal installed. I still remember how easy was to write, compile and tun the program. Turbo Pascal was first developed by Anders Hejlsberg who later sold it to Borland. It was the most successful implementation of a Pascal compiler.

Later I was working on PC and Turbo Pascal was my primary programming tool. Since then Pascal is my favorite programming language. Now Turbo Pascal is replaced with Delphi but the beauty of Pascal programming language remains.

I was always wondering how Turbo Pascal compiler works, how the code is compiled. There are few places that promise to reveal Turbo Pascal internals. Many times I was thinking to write my own compiler but never started because I didn't know how to make one. Now, after I have read many books on compiler design, I know the algorithms and tricks but unfortunately have no time for such project.


Categories: Programming

Compiler Design – Practical Compiler Construction

August 31, 2010 Leave a comment

Good optimizing compiler is a must for any computer platform. The availability and quality of compilers will determine the success of the platform. Compiler design is a science. There are numerous books written about compiler principles, compiler design, compiler construction, optimizing compilers, etc. Usually compilers are part of the integrated development environment (IDE). You write a program in some high-level language, click compile and a moment later you get executable code, assembler listing, map file and a detailed report on memory usage.

As a programmer and IDE user you expect fast compilation and optimized generated code. Usually you are not interested in compiler internals. However, to build your own compiler you need a lot of knowledge, skills and experience. Compiler construction is a science. Compilation is a symphony of data structures and algorithms. Storing compiler data in proper structures and using smart algorithms will determine the quality of the compiler. Compilers usually have no user interface, they process source files and generate output files: executable code, object file, assembler source, or any other needed file.

Why are compiler data structures so important?

Compiler needs to store identifiers in symbol tables. Each identifier has some attributes like type, size, value, scope, visibility, etc. Compiler must be able to quickly search the symbol table for particular identifier, store new identifier into symbol table with minimum changes to it, etc. To satisfy all these requirements it is mandatory to carefully design symbol table structure. Usually hash tables are used for quick search and linked lists for simple addition or deletion of elements. Symbol table management is one of the critical elements of any compiler. Another important internal data structure is intermediate code representation. It is a code that is generated from the source language and from which the target code is generated. Intermediate code is usually used to apply optimizations, so right form of intermediate code with general syntax and detailed information is crucial for successful code optimizations.

To convert source code to target instructions is not a big deal. A limited set of registers can sometimes require some smart register saving techniques, but in general each source language statement can be translated into a set of target instructions to perform required effect. If you do not take actions to optimize the generated code you will have a very inefficient code with many redundant loads and register transfers. Excellent optimizations are the shinning jewel of any compiler. With some average optimizations you can easily reduce generated code size for 10% or more. Code size reduction in loops means also increased execution speed. There are many algorithms for compiler optimizations. Most are based on control flow and data flow analysis. Optimizations like constant folding, integer arithmetic optimizations, dead code elimination, branch elimination, code-block reordering, loop-invariant code motion, loop inversion, induction variable elimination, instruction selection, instruction combining, register allocation, common sub-expression elimination, peephole optimization and many others can make initially generated code almost perfect.

If you have ever tried to write a compiler then you probably already know that this is not a simple task. You can use some compiler generators, or write the compiler from scratch. Compiler construction kits, parser generators, lexical analyzer generators (lexers), optimizer generators and similar tools provide the environment where you define your language and enable the compiler construction tools to generate the source code for your compiler. However, to make a fast and compact compiler you need to design your own compiler building blocks, from architecture of symbol tables and scanner to code generator and linker. Before you start reinventing the wheel it is a good idea to read some books about compiler design and examine the source code of some existing compiler. Writing your own compiler can be a great fun.

There are many excellent books on compiler design and implementation. However, the best book on compiler design is the compiler itself. Take a look at Turbo Pascal compiler written in Turbo Pascal. This source code shows all the beauty of the Pascal programming language. It reveals all the tricks needed to build a fast and compact compiler for any language, not just Pascal.

Categories: Programming

Turbo Pascal Download – How to Compile Old Projects

August 27, 2010 Leave a comment

Turbo Pascal was probably the most widely used Pascal compiler of all times. Borland released it in early 1980s and at that time it was available on the CP/M and PC platform. It featured fast compiler, integrated development environment and a very affordable price. Its syntax, known also as Object Pascal, has become standard and the concept of units is still used in all modern implementations. Until recently Pascal programming language was taught in many schools. For many people it was the first step into computer programming. It is a language that is easy to write and easy to read so you need very few comments to understand what the program does.

Turbo Pascal in 1990s evolved into Delphi. This is a rapid application development tool for Windows. It still uses Object Pascal with many additional features. However, because of popularity in early years, there are many projects that were developed with Borland DOS compilers. If you would like to compile such project you would need the original compiler, most likely version 7.0 which was the last released DOS version. Unfortunately, this version is no longer available. Borland has some time ago released old versions of compilers free of charge: 1.0, 3.02 and 5.5. The last version 7.0 is not yet available.

If you would like to compile the old Pascal code you can either try to find the original compiler from one of the illegal sources or you can use the open-source Free Pascal in compatible mode. There is also a third option. You can use the TPC32 command line compiler which is available as part of the demo package of the TPC32 source files and can be downloaded for free. This is not some limited version, it is a fully functional compiler compatible with TPC.EXE command line compiler. It is called demo because the full version includes complete source files which are not available for free.

TPC32 is a successor of the TPC16, a compatible compiler written in Turbo Pascal 7. It is compatible with the original Borland compiler in all aspects. Compiles the same source files and generates binary compatible unit and executable files. TPC32 is still the same compiler, the sources were slightly modified to be compatible with Delphi 7 which doesn't use the old segment-offset memory model. TPC32 still generates 16-bit x86 code. Source code of both compilers is available for purchase. You can use this source code to understand the internal data structures and algorithms of the famous Borland product or to make your own compiler. Both compilers are also available in demo versions which include fully functional compiled executable files. Because TPC16 is a DOS application it has some memory limitations. The TPC32 is a Win32 application and uses flat memory model with very few limitations. Both compilers can be used to compile the old projects created with the original Borland tools.

Pascal programming language is now rarely used in schools, but for some programmers it is still very popular and many old projects are still maintained. TPC32 compiler might be a solution for those who need a cheap and legal solution to compile the old Pascal sources.

I'm a big fan of Pascal programming language. Therefore I have a lot of old projects created with Turbo/Borland Pascal. If you need a free compatible solution to compile the old Pascal projects you can download a demo version of the TPC32, Turbo Pascal compiler written in Delphi, which contains a fully functional command line compiler. You can also get the TPC32 source code. It can be used for your own project or as a great book on compiler design and implementation.

Categories: Programming

Compiler Design – Hash Functions and Tables

August 23, 2010 Leave a comment

The purpose of every compiler is to read the input file in one programming language and convert it to one or more output files. Output file can be a different programming language, object code or executable code. The process of compilation must first examine the input file. This means reading all characters, identifying keywords, expressions, statements and storing all the data into symbol tables for future use. Symbol table is one of the most important data structures in any compiler.

Symbol table stores identifiers and its attributes. Every time the compiler finds a new identifier in the source code it needs to check if this identifier is already in the table, and if not it needs to store it there. This means a lot of searches and comparisons with every symbol table item. Search is always a very time consuming operation. Our goal is to have a fast compiler. Therefore we should find a way to make the searches across the symbol table as fast as possible.

One of the simple yet effective approaches is to use some hash function and to create a hash table. For every identifier in the table we apply the hash function and calculate some number. The hash function is an arbitrary function that for each identifier returns some number. It can be a simple sum of the ASCII codes of the identifier or some more complex one. Then we use, for example, the last 4 bits of this hash value to determine where to search for our identifier. 4 bits of hash value mean that we have 16 different linked lists of identifiers. We search only the list that belongs to the calculated hash value. This means that we only have to search a small list of identifiers which have the same hash value. Using more bits of hash value and consequently having more linked lists means faster search but we need some more space for bigger hash table.

If we don't find our identifier in this list then we can be sure that the identifier is not in the table because all other identifiers have different hash values so they must be different. In such case we simply add the new identifier at the end of the list of identifiers which belongs to the calculated hash value. Using hash functions and hash tables is a very effective way to speed up searches in symbol tables. Hash functions and hash tables are used in almost all compilers because their implementation is pretty simple and the gain in search speed is huge.

There are many excellent books on compiler design. However, the best book on compiler design is the compiler itself. Take a look at Turbo Pascal compiler source code – a Turbo Pascal compiler written in Turbo Pascal. This source code shows all the beauty of the Pascal programming language and reveals all the tricks needed to build a fast and compact compiler for any language, not just Pascal.

Categories: Programming

Pascal Compiler For 8051 Microcontrollers

August 22, 2010 Leave a comment

The 8051 core is one of the widely used microcontroller cores. It is about 30 years old and still very popular. Originally designed by Intel in late 1970s, 8051 core found its way into many popular microcontroller families manufactured by Atmel, Silicon Labs, NXP, and many others. One of the reasons for popularity of 8051-based microcontrollers is the availability of many excellent compilers, from freeware applications to high-priced professional development tools.

A very popular programming language is C. It is widely used in development of operating systems, desktop applications and embedded systems. Beside assembly language, C is the most popular programming language used for embedded programming. 8051 microcontrollers are no exception. SDCC is the most popular open-source C compiler for 8051 microcontrollers, while Keil (now an Arm company) makes the widely used and popular commercial development tools for 8051 microcontrollers.

But there are also other popular languages. One of them is Pascal. Named after French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal, it was developed by Niklaus Wirth in late 1960s. The main objective of this programming language was to teach programming with emphasis on structured programming. Many schools used Pascal as introductory language to teach first steps in programming. Pascal is considered as a high-level programming language. Algorithms implemented in Pascal need little comment since the statements are composed of English keywords that clearly describe in English language what the statement does.

The most popular implementation of Pascal programming language was the Turbo Pascal compiler by Borland in early 1980s. The key to success was a compact compiler which generated executable code and an integrated development environment (IDE) where you could write, run and debug your programs. Turbo Pascal significantly contributed to popularity of Pascal programming language. In 1990s Turbo Pascal evolved into Delphi–a visual IDE for Windows.

In embedded systems Pascal is rarely seen. One of the reasons is probably the lack of Pascal compilers for microcontrollers. There is absolutely no reason why Pascal could not be used in embedded world. Regardless of the programming language used, the output of compilers, either C or Pascal, can be a compact optimized code. On the other hand, there is a plethora of libraries written in C language for any imaginable task. This usually implies using a C compiler for embedded development.

One of the successful implementations of Pascal programming language in embedded world is Turbo51–Pascal compiler for 8051 microcontrollers. It is a command line compiler with Turbo Pascal syntax. If you are familiar with Turbo Pascal then you will be able to quickly start programming for any 8051-compatible microcontroller. Turbo51 supports all memory models in 8051 and generates a compact and optimized code that can run even in memory-limited versions of 8051 microcontrollers.

If you are programming for 8051 microcontrollers and still remember Turbo Pascal then you are welcome to visit and download Pascal compiler for 8051 microcontrollers.

It is up to you to decide which language you will use. Of course, in many cases this decision is already made because of portability or team development issues. But if you don't check other options you will never know about advantages they offer.

Turbo Pascal – A Brief History

August 17, 2010 Leave a comment

Turbo Pascal is a famous Pascal compiler developed by Borland in early 1980s. It was the first compiler that included also an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Because of this it was possible to write the code, compile it, run it and debug it without ever leaving the editor and running other tools. Another strength of the Turbo Pascal compiler was its speed. Comparing to other compilers at that time it was very fast.

Turbo Pascal was developed by Anders Hejlsberg who initially developed Blue Label Pascal and then Compas Pascal compiler. It was available on CP/M and MS-DOS platforms. Borland then licensed the compiler core and added user interface and editor. Anders Hejlsberg joined Borland where he was the chief architect of all versions of Turbo Pascal and first versions of its successor, Delphi. Anders Hejlsberg is now forking for Microsoft where he works as the lead architect of the C# programming language.

The first version of the Turbo Pascal compiler was released in November 1983. It was sold for $49.95 and was very affordable comparing to other Pascal compilers. It generated .com executable files which were also pretty fast. This was a direct consequence of the quality of the generated code by the compiler. Included Integrated Development Environment, fast compilation, fast development cycle (edit, compile, debug), quality of the generated code and affordable price contributed to additional popularity of the Pascal programming language in the 1980s. At that time Pascal was also used as the programming language for teaching in high schools and universities.

The compiler development went on. Later versions introduced a full-screen user interface with pull-down menus, generated .exe files, supported inline assembly instructions and object oriented programming. Many advanced features were added to ease software development. The last version of the compiler for DOS, Turbo Pascal 7, had everything needed to get the most out of a DOS program.

One of the most important contributions to the popularity of Pascal language made by Borland was a clever approach to add some simple extensions of the language which filled the gaps in the standard Pascal. The most important extension was the support for units. Unit is a separate file which could also be compiled separately. Usually a complex program is divided into logical units which make code writing and program development easier. Second important extension was support for strings. Strings are character arrays which can be used for anything not just for characters. Borland also added support for object oriented programming, access to absolute memory locations, support for interrupt procedures, inline assembly instructions, etc.

If you are interested in compiler construction and Turbo Pascal internals you can examine the Turbo Pascal compiler source code. This is not the original source code but a compatible compiler written in Turbo Pascal. This source code can be also used as a great book on compiler design and implementation.

Categories: Programming

Pascal Programming Language

August 17, 2010 Leave a comment
Pascal programming language was created in late 1960s by a Swiss computer scientist Niklaus Wirth. It is based on the ALGOL programming language and named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.

Initially, it was intended to teach computer programming because it encourages structured programming and using data structures. This is how the famous “hello world” program looks like:

Program HelloWorld (Output);
  Writeln ('Hello, world!');

Definitions for data types and structures are simple and clear. Language provides an orthogonal and recursive approach to data structures. You can declare arrays of arrays (multidimensional arrays), arrays of records, records containing arrays, file elements can be records, arrays, records containing arrays of records, etc. Some examples:

  TDay = 1..31;
  TMonth = 1..12;
  SimpleArray = Array [1..1000] of Integer;
  2D_Array = Array [1..1000, 0..3] of Real;
  Friend = (Barbara, Alice, Rebecca, Laura);
  DateType = Record
    Day: TDay;
    Month: TMonth;
    Year: Integer;

  Birthday: Array [Friend] of DateType; 

The first major milestone in Pascal history was Turbo Pascal. Based on the compiler written by Anders Hejlsberg, the product was licensed to Borland, and integrated into an IDE. It was also available on the CP/M platform, but the biggest success Borland achieved with Turbo Pascal for DOS. Borland continued the tradition of successful Pascal compilers with Delphi. Delphi is a visual rapid application development environment using Object Pascal as programming language. There is also an open-source compiler available: Free Pascal. It is a 32 and 64-bit compiler for various processors like Intel x86, Amd64, PowerPC, Sparc and ARM. Pascal is also used for development of embedded systems. Compilers are available for microcontrollers like 8051, AVR and ARM.

In 1983 the language was standardized as IEC/ISO 7185. In 1990 an extended standard was created as ISO/IEC 10206. The ISO Pascal is somehow limited because it lacks some features like strings and units. The most known and used syntax is the Borland Turbo Pascal syntax which added necessary features to fill the gaps in the ISO standard. There is also a derivative of Turbo Pascal known as Object Pascal (used in Borland Delphi) which was designed for object oriented programming.

Because of it’s popularity among many programmers some older versions of the Turbo Pascal compiler are now available for download.

Today, Pascal is still popular in various areas but not that much it was decades ago. It was replaced mainly with C which is available for almost any platform. Nevertheless, there is still a large community that finds Pascal programming language an excellent choice. It is easy to learn and easy to read. If you give your identifiers meaningful names you can read the program almost like a plain English text. Therefore it is very easy to transfer any algorithm into program. In addition to this the language is not case sensitive which is another step closer to English language.

There are endless debates and comparisons of Pascal and C programming languages. Some favor Pascal, other like C. There is no winner. Both languages are used to describe an algorithm. It is up to the programmer to choose his preferred language.

Categories: Programming

Compilers For 8051 Microcontrollers

August 15, 2010 Leave a comment

Most computers in use today are embedded in some electronic device, from appliances to mobile devices. Such computers are called embedded systems. A key component in embedded system is a microcontroller. This is a microprocessor with emphasis on I/O operations. The role of microcontroller is to control electronic devices providing all necessary switching, measurements and communication with the world. Microcontroller is the brain of the device.

The first microcontrollers emerged in 1970s. They were 8-bit devices capable of running a program from internal ROM or external EEPROM memory. One of the popular microcontrollers was Intel 8051. Intel developed a family of microcontrollers named MCS-51, where 8051 was probably the most popular member. It is amazing that this architecture is still popular today. There are many manufacturers like Atmel, Silicon Labs and NXP that still use the 8051 core for their microcontrollers. This means that all the tools that were developed thirty years ago can, at least in theory, be still used today to develop programs for 8051-compatible microcontrollers.

The 8051 family of microcontrollers is special because it has many types of memory that need special instructions to access it. The basic memory is located in the DATA segment and most instructions can access it. The size of this memory segment is 256 bytes. The upper 128 bytes are reserved for Special Function Registers, memory mapped registers that control functions of the microcontroller. The lower half is divided into three parts. Addresses from 0 to 31 are memory addresses for registers R0 to R7 in 4 register banks (0 to 3). Addresses from 32 to 127 are general purpose memory locations with additional function of addresses from 32 to 47 which are also bit-addressable. Most 8051 microcontrollers (except the original 8051 microcontroller) have also additional 128 bytes of IDATA memory which is similar to DATA memory but can only be accessed indirectly. It is located at addresses from 128 to 255. Special instructions are needed for this type of memory. 8051 microcontrollers support also external memory located at XDATA segment. Its size is 64kB and can be accessed only indirectly with few special instructions. There is also a special bit-addressable memory where you can access individual bits (256 bits in total). The first half of this bit-addressable memory is general purpose memory while the upper half maps to bit-addressable special function registers.

This complicated memory model makes compiler construction a complicated task. But because the 8051 microcontrollers were well accepted in industry and they are also present in many hobby projects, quite a lot of companies decided to develop their own 8051 compiler. There are many commercial C compilers for 8051 microcontrollers available. Most of them are part of some commercial package together with integrated development environment (IDE), debugger and simulator. Among those the Keil IDE/compiler is probably the most popular. There is also one popular and free C compiler SDCC (Small Device C Compiler). SDCC is a retargettable, optimizing ANSI – C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80 and the Motorola 68HC08 based microcontrollers. SDCC is Free Open Source Software, distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

The other hemisphere in 8051 programming is Pascal. Pascal programming language was designed by Niklaus Wirth in late 1960s. Its main purpose was to teach programming. The language itself is focused on structured programming and has many constructs for data structures. Borland Turbo Pascal was probably one of the most successful Pascal compilers around. It was very popular in 1980s and early 1990s. Its successor was Borland Delphi which is a visual rapid application development tool still in use today. Pascal is rarely used in embedded programming although there are compilers available also for AVR, ARM and PIC microcontrollers.

There is probably only one commercial Pascal compiler for 8051 microcontrollers, the KSC Pascal51. This clearly shows the market of C and Pascal compilers. However, there is also Turbo51, a free Pascal compiler for 8051 microcontrollers. Turbo51 is a fast single pass optimizing compiler with Borland Turbo Pascal 7 syntax and advanced multi-pass optimizer.

Similar situation is also with other popular microcontroller families like AVR, ARM and PIC. A plethora of C compilers are available and only a few Pascal or Basic compilers. Of course, we should not count assembly language compilers. These are the basic compilers for every processor or microcontroller. The most important thing with compilers is the code they generate. This should be highly optimized for size and speed. Comparing the code size of a program written for the same task in SDCC and in Turbo51 we can conclude that the result is not dependent on programming language. Either C or Pascal can be used to create a compact and optimized code. It is just the personal preference of the programmer what language he will use.

It is very interesting to compare generated code for some particular C or Pascal instruction, e.g. for 8051 microcontroller. We get practically the same microcontroller instructions. This is another confirmation that high level language is only a tool to describe the algorithm. It is the task of an optimizing compiler to generate individual microcontroller instructions that do what is needed.

Microcontroller market will continue to grow. One of the most important markets for microcontrollers is the automotive industry. It is the a driving force in the microcontroller market, especially at it's high end. Many microcontrollers were developed specifically for automotive applications. On the other hand almost every electrical device from toys to appliances uses some form of embedded system. The conclusion is that with microcontroller market growing also the need for high-quality embedded compilers will grow. This will lead to better compilers that will generate faster and more optimized code.

If you are programming for 8051 microcontrollers and like Pascal programming language then you should check Pascal compiler for 8051 microcontrollers.